Ayurvedic Treatment for Eczema

The common line of treatment for eczema or psoriasis aims to restore the aggravated Pitta in the body and stimulate the body’s metabolism level by cleaning the toxic substances accumulated in the deep layers or tissues. Therefore, skin disorders like dermatitis or psoriasis are treated with the help of in-house Panchakarma therapy at Vaidya Healthcare within a period of 21 to 28 days. Treatments like Vamana or Virechana restore the bi-dosha and alleviate symptoms like dry skin, itching, and painful inflammation. Along with this, patients are motivated to follow a special dietary regimen and lifestyle modifications for the disease reversal.

AEczema is a general term for several types of skin disorders, also known as dermatitis. The most common form is atopic dermatitis, which affects people of all age groups and is often due to an allergic reaction. Its sufferers may also have a predisposition to various allergies, hay fever, and asthma. Infantile eczema occurs in babies under 3 years old, but usually clears up within few years and should never be suppressed with steroidal creams. Adult seborrhoeic eczema is associated with yeast and fungal infections and occurs mainly between the ages of 20 to 40 years of age. There are several other classifications, such as xerotic eczema and contact dermatitis, which are related to allergic skin reactions, and so on. Some people notice that exposure to the sun, humidity, or ocean water help tremendously, while other not. Areas affected in adults are mainly the face, elbows, hands, knees and ankles. In infants it mainly manifests on the face, neck, scalp forearms, and legs. Of course, simply labeling the condition does not help much in the long run if the underlining causes are not identified and addressed.

Vaidya Healthcare  Ayurvedic Treatment For Eczema  Cure Your Eczema Through Ayurveda  www.vaidyahealthcare.com

In Ayurveda this condition is referred to as vicharchika and it is related to the vitiation of any of the three doshas affecting the skin and blood as well as accumulated metabolic wastes. In general, the main dosha involved is pitta or kapha, but all three can be involved. Below is a general description of how doshas influence the characteristics of this disease.

Vata types of eczema are characterized by extreme dryness, scaling, exfoliation, itching, and much pain and throbbing. Pitta types of eczema are associated with redness, blisters, bleeding, burning sensations, and infection. Pitta individuals may be prone towards seborrhoeic and contact dermatitis due to excess heat, especially in the armpits and on the scalp.

Kapha types of eczema causes itching, oozing, and thickening of the skin. Kapha types may also be prone to seborrhoeic eczema, especially in between rolls of fats as well as other moist sweaty areas.

Tridoshic types are when all three doshas are involved and the various symptoms are mixed, which is common in many chronic cases.

For some people this condition can be acute and pass within a short period of time, while others experience lifelong symptoms. Though not a life threatening condition, it does cause psychological stress and extreme self-consciousness. Modern medicine believes there is no cure for this condition, but Ayurveda can safely manage and in many cases cure it over time. Treatment in Ayurveda is a holistic process with more than the just application of topical creams or oils. It requires great discipline, observance of diet and lifestyle, much patience, and a good method for stress management.

Ayurvedic treatment for eczema

To treat eczema, it is essential to have the guidance of a skilled practitioner who can tailor an herbal and dietary program specific to your individual needs. Not all cases can be treated or respond to treatment in the same way, so follow-up care is necessary. Because these conditions can take years to treat successfully, having the care of a skilled practitioner also provides the necessary support and reassurance at the emotional level while the healing process takes place.

Cleansing from within is also a major factor in removing this type of condition, as accumulated toxins tend to surface on the skin. A progressively cleaner diet may be necessary to promote the healing process and allow proper digestion of food (to avoid further accumulating toxins in the body) along with the unique cleansing therapies Ayurveda has to offer, including Panchakarma for deep detoxification, and a stress management program that would include yoga and meditation to strengthen the body while calming your mind.

At Vaidya, we offering the best ayurvedic treatment for eczema in kerala. We treat with traditional Ayurvedic warm oil massage, herbal steam bath, and Shirodhara and can be performed as often as desired to promote lymphatic circulation, gently cleanse the system, calm the body and mind, and overcome fear and insecurity around the issue.

Authored by Dr. Kiran B


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