
Effective Ayurvedic Panchkarma Vyadhi Treatment for Neuromuscular Diseases

Neuromuscular diseases affect the nerves and muscles and are generally difficult to treat. Their occurrence may lead to additional symptoms such as weak muscles, deep muscle pain, stiffness or spasticity, and mobility problems. While conventional medicine does not provide cures for most of them, the quality of life and situation of the patients may still…

Transforming Lives: Ayurvedic Sports Injury Rehabilitation at Vaidya Healthcare

Introduction:In the realm of sports and physical activity, injuries are an inevitable part of the journey, affecting not only athletes but also individuals engaged in various occupations. When traditional approaches fall short, Ayurveda emerges as a beacon of hope, offering a holistic pathway to recovery and rejuvenation. Ayurvedic Philosophy in Sports Rehabilitation:Ancient Ayurveda transcends conventional…
